Showing posts with label Orthodontics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orthodontics. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2013



The path of eruption of any tooth can become disturbed. Sometimes the reason is obvious, such as a supernumerary tooth impeding an upper incisor, but often it is obscure. In clinical orthodontics, the most common problem of aberrant eruption is the impacted maxillary canine, which is second only to the third molar in the frequency of impaction.

Prevalence of impacted maxillary canines

Ectopic maxillary canines occur in about 2% of the population, of which about 85% of canines are palatal and 15% buccal to the line of the upper arch. The risk of impaction of the upper canine is greater where the lateral incisor is diminutive or absent
¾the lateral incisor root is known to guide the erupting canine. An impacted canine can sometimes resorb adjacent incisor roots, and this risk may be as high as 12%. Incisor resorption is sometimes quite dramatic.

Impacted canine causing root resorption
Clinical assessment

During the mixed dentition stage the normal path of eruption of the maxillary canines is slightly buccal to the line of the arch, and from about 10 years of age the crowns should be palpable as bulges on the buccal aspect of the alveolus.

If not, an abnormal path of eruption should be suspected, particularly where eruption of one canine is very delayed compared with the other side. Unerupted maxillary canines should be palpated routinely on all children from the age of 10 years until eruption.

Radiographic assessment

Where the canine is not palpable it should be assessed radiographically. A periapical radiograph shows whether the primary canine root is resorbing normally and whether the canine follicle is enlarged. If the apex of the primary canine is not resorbing, with either no root resorption or only lateral resorption, the path of eruption of the permanent canine may be abnormal. However, a single radiograph cannot fully determine the unerupted canine's position relative to the other teeth
¾two views are needed for this, either at right angles to each other or for the parallax technique.

Parallax technique

This method, also known as the tube-shift method, compares two views of the area taken with the X-ray tube in two different positions. (a) shows a palatal canine on a periapical film being taken with the tube positioned forward or mesially. A second film taken with the tube positioned further distally gives an image which apparently shows the canine crown in a different position relative to the adjacent roots. In this case the image of the canine appears to have shifted distally when compared with the first film, that is in the same direction that the tube was moved, which indicates that the canine is palatal to the other teeth. An apparent shift in the opposite direction to the tube shift would indicate that the tooth is lying buccally to the other teeth.

The parallax technique works best using two periapical views, but with care it can also be applied to a panoramic tomogram with a standard occlusal view, using vertical shift. The tube position is low down for the panoramic tomogram and much higher for the occlusal view, and so in this example the palatal canine appears to be nearer the incisor apices in the occlusal view, i.e. its apparent movement is upwards with the tube. The size of the image of a displaced tooth on a panoramic radiograph is another indicator, being enlarged if it is palatal and reduced if it is labial or buccal. However, a periapical view is still necessary to check for associated pathology, and this can be used with the occlusal view to make another parallax pair. The combination of panoramic, standard occlusal, and periapical views, such as that in, allows comprehensive assessment of a maxillary canine.

Two films at right angles

This method is more applicable to the specialist as it involves a taking lateral skull view and a posteroanterior (p-a) view: possibly a p-a skull, but more commonly using a panoramic radiograph for the same purpose. The lateral skull view shows whether the canine crown is buccal or palatal to the incisor roots, and the p-a or panoramic view shows how close it is to the mid-line. The angulation of the tooth and its vertical position are assessed using both views. An intraoral view must also be taken to check for any associated pathology.

The position of the impacted canine's crown should be determined as being buccal, palatal, or in the line of the arch. The degree of displacement should be assessed horizontally, that is how close it is to the mid-line, in terms of how far it overlaps the roots of the incisors. The canine crown's vertical position is assessed relative to the incisor apices. An estimate should also be made of the tooth's angulation and the position of its apex relative to the line of the arch.

Other radiographic signs that may suggest an abnormal path of eruption are: obvious asymmetry between the positions of the two upper canines; lack of resorption of the root of the primary canine on the affected side; and resorption of permanent incisor roots. If there are signs of incisor resorption, urgent advice and treatment should be sought.

Parallax location of |3. (a) Radiograph taken with the tube positioned forward shows that the image of the canine crown is slightly mesial to the image of |1. (b) Radiograph taken with the tube positioned further distally shows that the image of |3 is further distally. The image of |3 has shifted in the same direction as the tube shift:|3 is therefore nearer to the film than |1, i.e. it is palatal to the line of the arch. (c) Diagrammatic representation of how a palatally positioned tooth moves 'with' the tube from left to right

Early treatment

During the later mixed dentition, if an upper canine is not palpable normally and is found to be ectopic, extraction of the primary canine has a good chance of correcting or improving the path of eruption of the permanent canine, provided it is not too severely displaced. Extraction of the primary canine is only appropriate under these conditions:

(1) early detection
¾mixed dentition;
(2) canine crown overlap of no more than half the width of the adjacent incisor root as seen on a panoramic view;
(3) canine crown no higher than the apex of the adjacent incisor root;
(4) angle of 30
° or less between the canine's long axis and the mid-sagittal plane;
(5) reasonable space available in the arch
¾no more than moderate crowding.

Unless the upper arch is spaced, the contralateral primary canine should also be removed to prevent the upper centreline shifting. Eruption of the permanent canine should be monitored clinically and if necessary radiographically, and specialist advice sought if it fails to show reasonable improvement after a year.

The main disadvantage of extracting the primary canine is losing the option of retaining it if the permanent canine fails to erupt. It may also allow forward drift of the upper buccal teeth where there is a tendency to crowding, and if space is critical a space maintainer should be fitted.

 Later treatment
The treatment options in the permanent dentition are to:

(1) expose the canine and align it orthodontically;
(2) transplant the canine;
(3) extract the canine;
(4) leave the impacted canine in situ.

Exposure and orthodontic alignment

This is the treatment of choice for a well-motivated patient, provided the impaction is not too severe. The canine should lie within these limits:

(1) canine crown overlapping no more than half the width of the central incisor root;
(2) canine crown no higher than the apex of the adjacent incisor root;
(3) canine apex in the line of the arch.

The tooth can either be exposed into the mouth and the wound packed open, or a bracket attached to a gold chain can be bonded to it and the wound closed. An orthodontic appliance, usually fixed, then applies traction to bring the tooth into alignment. This treatment can take up to 2 years, depending on the severity of the canine's displacement. Exposure works well for palatally impacted canines, but buccally impacted canines usually have a poor gingival contour following exposure, even when an apically repositioned flap procedure has been used. For this reason some operators prefer to attach a chain to buccally impacted canines and to close the wound, so that the unerupted canine is brought down to erupt through attached, rather than free, gingiva.


The attraction of transplantation is that orthodontic treatment is avoided and yet the canine is brought into function. Two criteria must be met: the canine can be removed intact with a minimum of root handling; and there must be adequate space for the canine in the arch.

The major cause of failure is root resorption, but the incidence of this is reduced if the surgical technique is atraumatic and the transplanted tooth is root- filled with calcium hydroxide shortly after surgery. The success rate for canine transplantation is about 70% survival at 5 years, but many clinicians regard it as being appropriate in only a few cases.

Extraction of the permanent canine

This is appropriate if the position of the canine puts it beyond orthodontic correction, or if the patient does not want appliance treatment. If present, the primary canine can be left in situ, and although the prognosis is unpredictable, a canine with a good root may last for many years. When it is eventually lost a prosthesis will be needed, and provision of this can be difficult if the overbite is deep
¾another factor to be taken into account when considering treatment options.

Extraction of the permanent canine may also be considered where the lateral incisor and premolar are in contact, giving a good appearance. In this case it is often expedient to accept the erupted teeth and extract the canine.

Leaving the unerupted canine in situ

During the early teenage years there is a risk of resorption of adjacent incisor roots so that annual radiographic review is necessary, although the risk of root resorption reduces with increasing age. The onset of root resorption can be quite rapid, and for this reason many impacted canines are removed. There may be a case for retaining the canine in the short term in a younger patient, in case they have a change of heart about orthodontic treatment to align the tooth.

Key Points
Ectopic canines
· About 2% of children have ectopic upper canines, of which 85% are palatal.
· Always palpate for upper canines from the age of 10 years until eruption.
· Non-palpable upper canines should be located radiographically or referred for investigation.
· Consider extraction of a primary canine if a permanent canine is mildly displaced.
· Untreated, unerupted permanent canines may resorb incisor roots and should be radiographed annually during the teenage years.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hand signs to commiunicate with the dentist during proceedure?

Most of the patients seeking dental treatments might be having a problem of how to communicate with the dentist during the dental procedure. That is because our main source of communication is verble communication which will be affected during dental procedure.
Here are some hand signs which you can use to communicate with the dentist during dental procedure. Please use these hand signals to communicate with the dentist during your dental procedure.

Dear Dentists, You can display this poster in your clinic in the waiting room.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Surgical management of Unerupted and Impacted teeth

  • Unerupted tooth (retained tooth): is that fail to erupt into the oral cavity at the normal time and age.
  • Impacted tooth: is a retained tooth that is completely or partially buried in the soft tissue or the bone.
  • Aberration: is a tooth that develop distant from its normal location. 
  • Ectopic eruption: eruption of a tooth outside the arch line based on clinical evaluation.
  • Agenesis: failure of a tooth to develop due to many reasons and genetic factor is highly contributed.
 Common unerupted and impacted teeth:
  1. Mandibular third molars
  2. Maxillary canines
  3. Mandibular second premolars
  4. Maxillary second premolar
  5.  Mandibular canines
Etiology of failure of eruption
  1. Tooth agenesis.
  2. Injury to tooth germ and displacement of tooth follicle.
  3. Crowding and disproportion between teeth size and jaw.
  4. Premature loss of a deciduous predecessor and gingival fibromatosis
  5. Presence of supernumerary teeth
  6. Presence of tumors or cysts
  7. Cleft palate and alveolus
  8. Cleidocranial dysostosis
  9. Conginital brevicollis dystrophy
  10. Klipped feil syndrome
  11. Hypopituitarism
  12. Cretinism (infantile hypothyrodism)
  13. Rickets
Indications-(Rational for treatment)
  • Majority removed because of pain or being a foci of infection.
  • Involvement in pathology like cyst and tumors.
  • Resorption of roots of adjacent teeth.
  • Interference in line of osteotomies and fractures.
  • Infection of surrounding soft or hard tissue.
  • For prophylactic reasons.
Asymptomatic unerupted teeth that removal is possibly complicated by an injury to inferior dental or lingual nerve during surgery treatment.
Teeth of favorable position that can be monitored at time intervals to detect the development of any complications.

Recognition of the problem:
The existence, position, orientation of the impaction and diagnosis of associated problems are based on:
  • History
  • Clinical examination
  • Radiography
Missing tooth or teeth with or without history of pain and swelling of underlying mucosa (agenesis??)
In case of pain, effort must be paid to eliminate other possible causes of dental pain from another tooth such as pulpitis and periodontitis.
Pain at posterior aspect of the mouth that can be a refereed type of pain such as earache, eye pain, artherolgia, etc.)
Inflammation around the crown of the tooth that make more acute symptoms (pericoronitis).

  • Recording of missing teeth.
  • Recording of retained deciduous teeth.
  • Identify caries and periodontal diseases.(pain might be from adjacent carious tooth, this would influence the proposed treatment planning)
  • Vitality test of all teeth in doubt.
  • Examination for sign of infection.(swelling, discharge, trismus and enlarged lymph nodes)
  • Facial asymmetry and jaw bone expansion.
Radiography-(objective indications)
  • To disclose the unerupted tooth and the texture of the surrounding bone.
  • To disclose the position in the jaw and its relation to adjacent teeth and other vital structures (sinuses, IDC,).
  • To disclose the crown-root ratio and roots configuration.
  • (curvature, numbers, hypercemntosis, bulbous, fused or diverged)
  • To disclose the degree and orientation of impaction.
  • To disclose atrophy of dental follicles and existence of pathological development.
Preoperative assessment
Asymptomatic unerupted teeth most often discovered following radiographical screening (accidental findings).
Partially erupted teeth might be associated with pain and infection.
Impacted lower wisdom tooth may cause crowding upon anterior teeth.
Impacted tooth may erode or cause cavitation of adjacent teeth.
Impacted teeth may be associated with pathological cyst development.

  • Infection involves the soft tissue surrounding the crown of partially erupted tooth.
  • Usually caused by streptococci and anaerobic bacteria.
  • It may presented as an acute or chronic infection.
  • Acute infection developed over hours and days and associated possibly with systemic manifestation.
  • Chronic infection distinguished by redness and or discharge of pus with few acute symptoms lasting over weeks to months.
  • It may be associated with poor oral hygiene and upper respiratory infection.
Signs and symptoms:
  • Swelling of retro-molar tissue
  • Soreness
  • Erythemia of overlaying soft tissue or operculum
  • Trismus
  • Facial swelling of the affected side
  • Raised temperature
  • Regional lymphodenopathy
  • General malaise
Contributory factors:
  • Trauma from an opposing over-erupted wisdom tooth
  • Entrapment of food debris and bacterial infection under the operculum
  • Physical and mental stress
  • Pregnancy and suppression of the immune system
  • Upper respiratory tract infection
Management of pericoronitis
  1. Local irrigation by hot salt mouthwash. chlorhexidine mouthwash
  2. Antibiotics if signs of spreading infection are evident. (amoxycillin, metronidazole)
  3. Analgesic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent.
  4. Extraction of upper opposing wisdom tooth if traumatizing the lower operculum.
  5. Removal of lower wisdom tooth when acute infection is resolved.
  6. Hospital admission in case of severe infection that may compromise the airway.
Considerations in clinical examination of an impacted/ partially erupted tooth
  1. Patient age and tooth eruption
  2. Associated infection
  3. Caries and restoration
  4. Dental status of the adjacent tooth
  5. Periodontal status
  6. State of the TMJ
 Status of tooth in question
  • Based on clinical evaluation
  • Erupted but non-functional (no opposing, tilted, carious, etc.)
  • Partially erupted (covered partially with soft tissue)
  • Partially erupted with sign of recurrent infection
  • Truly impacted (bony or soft tissue)
  • Association with pathological lesions
Methods of radiographical examination
Radiographs in two planes at right angles are needed to show clearly the position of the tooth and the degree of impaction
  • Orthopantomogram (OPG)
  • Preapical radiograph
  • Lateral oblique view of the jaw
  • Vertex occlusal view
  • Parellex method of Clark
Radiographical assessment
  • Orientation (mesioangular, vertical, distoangular and transalveolar)
  • Depth below the occlusal plane
  • Crown size and follicular width
  • Root morphology (number, length, shape: fused or separate, curved apex, bulbous, ankylosis).
  • Condition of the crown and the adjacent tooth
  • Approximation of an ascending ramus, IDC, maxillary sinus, ptrygoid plates and pyriform fossa.

Management of impacted/ partially erupted teeth

Options of management 

  1. No treatment
  2. Conservative management
  3. Surgical repositioning and transplantation
  4. Exposure of the teeth with or without orthodontic application
  5. Surgical removal

No treatment-(Choices of putting tooth in probation)
  • Asymptomatic tooth
  • When it acts as a buttress for the root of adjacent tooth
  • When vital structures are at risk of injury in the course of operation
  • In case of acute preicoronitis

Conservative management
  • Tooth that might be brought into occlusion provided that space is adequate in the arch line.
  • When adjacent tooth is carious, heavily filled or missing.
  • Mesial drifting may allow tooth to replace poorly prognosis or missing anterior one

Surgical repositioning and transplantation
  • Aimed to move tooth bodily into the dental arch
  • Careful surgical extraction is required to minimize the damage to the apical vessels and periodentium
  • Imobilization within the prepared socket for 4 weeks
  • Success determined by the dental age (unclosed apices), patient age and atrumatic surgery
  • Resorption of root might be evident in 2-5 years
  • Early endondontic treatment might be of help to minimize the failure

Third molar transplantation 

Surgical aids to orthodontics
  • It is mostly prescribed for impacted canine
  • Other teeth might be considered as well
  • Aimed to help in establishing optimum occlusion orthodontically
  • The canine is very important esthetically
  • The success is very high
  • Surgery for exposure is much easier than for removal of the impaction
Surgery-assisted orthodontic traction
  • Reflection of mucoperiosteal flap
  • Crown is to be freed to its greatest circumference
  • Preservation of attached ginigiva for labially and buccally placed teeth
  • Orthodontic device ( button, hock and ligature wire) is to be applied
  • Flap is to be then sutured  back in position
  • For palatal placed teeth, soft tissue excision for exposure is to be packed with whitehead’s varnish, BIPS, coepack
  • Orthodontist visit to be arranged one week post op for traction application
  • The procedure:

Removal of unerupted teeth
  • Earlier to sclerosis of bone
  • Earlier to follicle atrophy
  • When it is infection-free
  • Before fully development of roots
  • When 2/3 of the roots are formed
  • Best timing for removal
 Surgical Considerations
  • Localization of unerupted tooth
  • Morphology of the tooth and roots
  • Relationship to the inferior dental neurovascular bundle
  • Buccolingual position
  • Relationship to adjacent teeth
  • Relationship to inferior border of the mandible and anterior border of the ramus
Planning for operation
  • “Reverse in order”
  • The tooth position in jaw
  • The natural line of withdrawal
  • Overcome obstacles (ascending ramus and adjacent tooth or teeth)
  • Point of application for elevation
  • Access by removing bone and design flap accordingly
Natural line of withdrawal
Teeth extracted by moving them away from sockets or bone along their pathway
The course of movement is dictated by the curvature of the roots
Unfavorable elevation refers to tooth goes deeper in bone or impacted against another tooth

Violation of the principles of line of withdrawal
Fracture of bone (the whole entity or part of it)
Displacement of tooth into soft tissue or anatomical spaces
Damage of inferior dental nerve
Obstacles to elevation
√ shape of the tooth and root
√ Constriction at the neck of the tooth
√ bone and depth of the tooth
√ adjacent tooth (impaction against a tooth )
√ adjacent vital structures (the inferior dental neurovascular bundle)

Overcoming the obstacles
Removing sufficient bone to allow tooth to be rotated and delivered
Division of the tooth horizontally or vertically or by both using:
√ drill and large fissure bur
Removal of lingual plate using:
√ chisels and mallet
Point of application
Dental elevators is the best for removal of buried teeth
Point of application must be determined during planning
Point of application is to be prepared simultaneously during access preparation
No tooth division until adequate point of application has been prepared.

Preparation for surgery
Hospital and general anesthesia
Outpatient clinic with either intravenous sedation or local anesthesia

Surgical access
  • Flap must be sufficient enough to allow direct vision with no chance of tension and trauma
  • Bone removal should permit tooth with its greatest crown dimension to pass freely (tooth division may minimize the need for more bone removal)
  • Curved and bulbous root must be made free of bone
  • Cutting of bone and tooth division must be completed before attempting elevation
  • Flap is to be replaced and rests on bone before suturing
Closure of wound
  • Debridment and smoothening of sharp edges of the socket
  • Removal of dental follicle (sack) without endangering vital structure (lingual nerve)
  • Primary closure as long as flap is not under tension is desirable
  • Resorbable or non-resorbable suture may be used
  • Suture notes should be kept to a minimum
Surgery of Mandibular Impacted/ Parially Erupted Teeth

  • Vertical
  • Horizontal
  • Mesioangular
  • Distoangular
  • inverted
  • Transbuccally (crown facing lingually or buccally)
  • Apparent position; ramus or close to inferior border of the mandible


Impacted mandibular canine and premolar tooth

Maxillary Teeth
  • Surgical considerations
  • Position of unerupted tooth (3rd molar or canine)
  • Relationship to adjacent teeth
  • Relationship to maxillary sinus
  • Morphology of the roots
  • Status of adjacent teeth
  • Presence of supernumerary and supplemental teeth

Upper third molar Operative technique
  • The flap
  • The envelop flap
  • Two sided flap (triangular type)
  • Bone removal
  • Establishment of OAF
  • Closure

Surgical exposure and surgical removal of impacted canine and anterior

Palatally positioned tooth

Labially positioned tooth

Removal of unerupted teeth from edentulous ridge
surgical consideration
  • Difficulty is owing to sclerotic bone and loss of periodontal space
  • Gentle force via a well prepared point of application would minimize the risk of fracture of brittle bone
  • Alveolar ridge preservation by accurate assessment and minimal bone removal
  • Osteoplastic flap to preserve the alveolar bone in height and in width
  • Bone reduction and fixation in the incident of atrophic jaw fracture

Difficulties-associated surgery
  • Small mouth
  • Narrow space between anterior border of the ramus and distal aspect of second molar tooth buried deeply in bone
  • Approximation of inferior dental canal and sinuses
  • Existence of fusion and ankylosis
  • Devitalizations and cavitations

Complications associated with unerupted and impacted teeth surgery
√ hemorrahge
√Fractured root, tuberosity
√Damage to adjacent tooth, tooth displacement
√ oroantral-oronasal communication
√Fracture mandible
√ pain, swelling, bruising, trismus, aneathesis, infection

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