Primary objective of pulp therapy is to maintain the
integrity and health of the teeth and their supporting tissues by maintaining
the vitality of the pulp of a tooth affected by caries, traumatic injury or any
other cause damaging the liveliness of the pulp.
Indication and the type of the pulp therapy depends on the
status of the pulp, whether it’s nonvital or vital and the type of the tooth
whether its primary, young permanent or permanent. Status of the pulp would be
determined by clinically with a proper history and a thorough clinical
examination and by accurate special investigations such as vitality testing and
radiographs. In this article I would mainly consider on the treatments to the
pulp in primary teeth.
Vital pulp therapy for primary teeth
diagnosed with a normal pulp or reversible pulpitis
Indirect pulp
A procedure performed in a tooth with a deep carious lesion
approximating the pulp but without signs and symptoms of pulp degeneration. The
caries surrounding the pulp is left in place to avoid pulp exposure and is
covered with a biocompatible material. A radiopaque liner such as a dentin
bonding agent, resin modified glass ionomer, calcium hydroxide, zinc
oxide-eugenol or glass ionomer cement is placed over the remaining carious
dentin to stimulate healing and repair. Then the tooth is restored with a
material that seals the tooth from micro leakage.
Direct pulp
When a pinpoint mechanical exposure of the pulp is
encountered during cavity preparation or following a traumatic injury a
biocompatible radiopaque base such as mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) or
calcium hydroxide may be placed in contact with the exposed pulp tissue.
Finally the tooth should always be restored with a material that seals the
tooth from micro leakage.
A pulpotomy is performed in a primary tooth with extensive
caries but without evidence of radicular pathology when caries removal results
in a carious or mechanical pulp exposure. The coronal pulpotomy is amputated
and the remaining vital radicular pulp tissue surface is treated with a
medicament such as Buckley’s solution of formocresol. Gluteraldehyde and
calcium hydroxide have been used but with less long term success. MTA is a more
recent material with a high rate of success in pulpotomies. The coronal pulp
chamber can be filled with zinc-oxide eugenol or other suitable base followed
by acoronal restoration to avoid micro leakage and failure of the treatment.
The most effective long term restoration has been shown to be a stainless steel
crown although other alternatives such as composite resin and amalgam play a
role when an adequate amount of enamel is intact.
This involves the complete amputation of the pulpal tissue in
a tooth that is reversibly infected or necrotic due to caries or trauma. The
root canals are debrided mechanically with hand or rotary files and chemically
with disinfectants such as sodium hypochlorite or chlorhexidine to ensure
optimal bacterial decontamination of the canals. After proper drying of the
canals a resorbable material such as non-reinforcedzinc oxide-eugenol, iodoform
based paste or a combination paste of iodoform and calcium hydroxide is used to
seal the canals.Then the tooth is restored with a material that seals the tooth
from micro leakage.