Friday, August 5, 2016

Circulatory system physiology Multiple choice questions(MCQ) with Answers


     1.     Blood volume
a.     Can be measured by a dilution technique using inulin
b.     Is approximately 7% of the body weight of an adult
c.      Relative to the body weight in an infant is less than in an adult
d.     Is decreased by long residence at high altitude
e.     Is increased in pregnancy

     2.     With knowledge of the packed cell volume following can be used to measure the blood volume
a.     Chromium labelled red blood cells
b.     Inulin
c.      Sodium thiocyanate
d.     Evans blue
e.     Iodinated human serum albumin

     3.     Cytotoxic killer cells
a.     Kill by releasing perforins into the target cells
b.     Formation is stimulated by helper T cells
c.      Do not play a role in the development of autoimmunity
d.     Are increased in transplant recipients
e.     Stimulate humoral immunity

     4.     Eosinophilia occurs in
a.     Asthma
b.     Acute bacterial infection
c.      Helminthic infestation
d.     Military TB
e.     Hepatic cirrhosis

     5.     Increased eosinophils are found in
a.     TB
b.     Syphilis
c.      Acute adenitis
d.     Hodgkin’s disease
e.     Lymphosarcoma

     6.     Plasma cells
a.     Are strongly phagocytic
b.     Are normally present in bone marrow
c.      Contains large amount of RNA
d.     Synthesizes proteins
e.     Produces immunoglobulins

     7.     Lymphocytes
                a.     Are found only in the lymph nodes
                b.     Have a shorter life than neutrophils
                c.      Can be transformed into blast cells
                d.     Stimulated to multiply by corticosteroids
                e.     Are particularly sensitive to radiation

     8.     T lymphocytes
                a.     Do not participate in humoral immunity
                b.     Are responsible for the production of lymphokines
                c.      Are transformed into plasma cells
                d.     Are activated by interleukins
                e.     Are significantly depleted in the AIDS complex

     9.     Red blood cells
a.     Haemolyse in hypertonic saline
b.     Disintegrate to release erythropoietin
c.      Are relatively inelastic
d.     Are smaller than normal in foliate deficiency
e.     Are smaller than normal in iron deficiency

a.     Contains ferric irons
b.     May be oxidized to methaemoglobin
c.      Combines with carbon dioxide
d.     Is a stronger acid when oxygenated
e.     Has the same molecular structure as myoglobin

a.     Has a greater affinity for carbon monoxide than for oxygen
b.     Is not filtered at the renal glomeruli
c.      Has the same molecular weight as myoglobin
d.     Is formed in the healthy adult at a rate of about 6g/day
e.     Concentration in red cells rises in macrocytic anaemia

     12. Fetal haemoglobin
a.     Has one iron atom per molecule
b.     Has a different amino acid composition in globin as compared with adult haemoglobin
c.      Has an O2 dissociation curve shifted to the right as compared to adult haemoglobin
d.     Is present in the blood in sickle cell disease
e.     Oxygen uptake is not affected by chances in the pCO2

     13.Diagnostic features of homozygous thalassaemia include
a.     Hypochromia
b.     Reduction in HbA2
c.      Increase in HbF
d.     Normal or high serum iron
e.     Megaloblasts in the bone marrow

     14.Following are frequently seen in sickle cell disease in the adult
a.     Splenomegaly
b.     Jaundice
c.      Dysphagia
d.     Aseptic necrosis of bone
e.     Leg ulcers

     15.The age of 70 years red cell formation is found in the bone marrow of
a.     Femur
b.     Tibia
c.      Vertebrae
d.     Sternum
e.     Ribs

a.     In the fetus takes place in liver and spleen
b.     Is stimulated by hypoxia
c.      Is increased in hypothyroidism
d.     Is decreased in myeloid leukaemia
e.     Stimulated by aldosterone

a.     Cases a rise in the reticulocyte percentage
b.     Level in blood is reduced after bilateral nephrectomy
c.      Is essential for the synthesis of haemoglobin
d.     Is a glycoprotein
e.     Is secreted by cells in the bone marrow

a.     Is secreted by cells of the liver
b.     Secretion is increased in cyanotic congenital heart disease
c.      Level in plasma is increased during residence in high altitude
d.     Increases the number of red cell precursors in bone marrow
e.     Has an immediate action in increasing the circulating red cells

     19.Red cell breakdown products increase
a.     Plasma bilirubin
b.     Porphyrins in the urine
c.      Haemosiderin depositon
d.     Plasma alkaline phosphate
e.     Blood uric acid concentration

a.     Is mainly produced in the liver
b.     In the unconjugated state is moderately soluble in water
c.      Is conjugated with glucoronic acid in the liver
d.     Is converted to urobillinogen in the liver
e.     Is found in the urine in haemolytic anaemia

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