Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Short note on Mucocele-Oral Surgey

Mucoceles, or mucous cysts, are a common phenomenon or lesion of the oral mucosa, originating from minor salivary glands and their ducts.

Local minor trauma and duct rupture or ductal obstruction, probably due to a mucous plug.

Mucocele of Lower Lip

Mucocele Of Tongue

Clinical features

Two main types of mucocele are recognized, according to their pathogenesis:  
  • Extravasation mucocele (common), which results from duct rupture due to trauma and spillage of mucin into the surrounding soft tissues;
  • Mucous retention cyst (uncommon), which usually results fromductal dilation due to ductal obstruction.
Clinically, mucocele presents as a painless, dome-shaped, solitary, bluish or translucent, fluctuant swelling that ranges in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter (Figs.).

Clinical features
A common finding is that the cyst partially empties and then re-forms due to the accumulation of new fluid.
The lower lip is the most common site of involvement, usually laterally, at the level of the bicuspids.
Less common sites are the buccal mucosa, tongue, floor of the mouth, and soft palate.
Extravasation mucoceles display a peak incidence during the second and third decades, while the mucous retention types are more common in older age groups.

Laboratory tests
Histopathological examination.

Differential diagnosis
  • Lymphangioma,
  • Hemangioma,
  • Lipoma,
  • Mucoepidermoid
  • Carcinoma,
  • Sjögren syndrome,
  • Lymphoepithelial cyst.

Surgical excision or cryosurgery.

Surgical Excision of Mucocele-Videos

Surgical removal of mucocele from lower lip



Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Central Nervous System(CNS) -Blood Supply

Arterial Supply
        - Spinal Arteries
                       Anterior (1) & Posterior (2) Spinal Artery
                       From Vertebral artery
          - Radicular Arteries ----- Segmental arteries
                       From Vertebral, Ascending Cervical, Intercostal and Lumbar Artery
     Venous Drainage
           - Longitudinal & Radicular Veins
                  to Intervertebral veins ---- to Internal Vertebral Venous Plexus
                  to external vertebral venous plexus ---- to segmental veins

Anterior spinal artery 
Segmental arteries

Adamkiwicz artery

Blood Supply to the Spinal Cord and Brain Stem

The brain is one of the most metabolically active organs  in the body, receiving 17% of the total cardiac output and about 20% of the oxygen available  in the body.
The brain receives it’s blood from  two pairs of arteries, the carotid and vertebral. About 80% of the brain’s  blood supply comes from the carotid, and the remaining 20% from the vertebral.

The Vertebrobasilar System 

The vertebral arteries originate from the subclavian artery,and ascend through the transverse foramen of the upper six cervical vertebra. At the upper margin of the Axis (C2) it moves outward and upward to the transverse foramen of the Atlas (C1). It then moves backwards along the articular process of atlas into a deep groove, passes beneath the atlanto-occipital ligament and enters the foramen magnum. The arteries then run forward and unite at the caudal border of the pons to form the basilar artery.

The  Spinal Cord receives its blood supply from two major sources;
1. Branches of the vertebral arteries, the major source of blood supply, via the anterior spinal and posterior spinal arteries.
2. Multiple radicular arteries, derives sporadically from segmental arteries  The Medulla, Pons and Midbrain areas receive their major sources of blood  supply from several important branches of the Basilar artery

Branches of the Vertebral Artery
1. Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery (PICA),  the largest branch of the vertebral, arises at the caudal end of the medulla on each side.
Runs a course winding between the
medulla and cerebellum
   a. posterior part of cerebellar hemisphere
   b. inferior vermis
   c. central nuclei of cerebellum
   d. choroid plexus of 4th ventricle
   e. medullary branches to dorsolateral medulla

2. Anterior Spinal Artery, formed from a Y-shaped union of a branch from each vertebral artery.  Runs down the ventral median fissure the length of the cord.
 a. supplies the ventral 2/3 of the spinal cord.
3. Posterior Spinal Arteries (2), originate from each vertebral artery or Posterior Inferior Cerebellar on each side of the Medulla.  Descends along the dorsolateral sulcus.
Distribution:   supplies the dorsal 1/3 of the cord of each side.
4. Posterior meningeal, one or two branches that originate  from the vertebral opposite the foramen magnum. This branch moves into the dura matter of the cranium
5. Bulbar branches, composed of several smaller arteries which originate from the vertebral and it’s branches. These branches head for the pons, medulla and cerebellum

Branches of the Vertebral Artery

Spinal Cord Blood Supply

                                                    Ventral                                Dorsal

Anterior Spinal Artery, provides sulcal branches which penetrate the ventral median fissure and supply the ventral 2/3 of the spinal cord.
Posterior Spinal Arteries, each descends along the dorsolateral surface of the spinal cord and supplies the dorsal 1/3.
Radicular arteries, originating from segmental arteries at  various levels, which divide into anterior and posterior radicular arteries as they move along ventral and dorsal roots to reach the spinal cord. Here they reinforce spinal arteries and anastomose with their branches.
From these varied sources of blood supply, a series of circumferential anastomotic channels are formed around the spinal cord, called the arterial vasocorona, from which short branches penetrate and supply the lateral parts of the cord

The radicular arteries provide the main blood supply to the cord at the thorasic, lumbar and sacral segments. There are a greater number on the posterior (10-23) than anterior (6-10 only) side of the cord.
One radicular artery, noticeably larger than the others, is called the artery of Adamkiewicz, or the artery of the lumbar enlargement. Usually located with the lower thorasic or upper lumbar spinal segment on the left side of the spinal cord
The spinal cord lacks adequate collateral supply in some areas, making  these regions prone to ischemia after vascular occlusions. The upper
Thorasic (T1-T4) and first lumbar segments are the most vulnerable regions of the cord.
There are several arteries that reinforce the spinal cord blood supply and are termed segmental arteries
1. The Vertebral arteries, spinal branches which are present in the upper cervical (~C3-C5) levels
2. Ascending Cervical arteries, present in the lower cervical areas
3. Posterior Intercostal, present in the  mid-thorasic region
4. First Lumbar arteries, present in the  mid-lumbar regions
The spinal veins arranged in an irregular pattern.
The anterior spinal veins run along the midline and the ventral roots. The posterior spinal veins run along the midline and the dorsal roots. These are drained by the anterior and posterior radicular veins. These in turn empty into an epidural venous plexus which connects into an external vertebral venous plexus, the vertebral, intercostal and lumbar veins.
Occlusion of the anterior spinal artery may lead to the anterior  cord syndrome, characterized by;
1. Loss of ipsilateral motor function, due to damage to ventral gray matter and the ventral corticospinal tract.
2. Loss of contralateral pain and temperature sensation, due to damage to the spinothalamic pathway

Occlusion of the posterior spinal arteries may lead to the rare posterior cord syndrome, characterized by;
1. Ipsilateral motor deficits, due to damage to corticospinal tract
2. Ipsilateral loss of tactile discrimination, position sense, vibratory sense, due to damage to the dorsal columns

Blood Supply to the brain stem

The brain stem (medulla, pons midbrain) receives the bulk of its blood supply from the  vertebrobasilar system. Except for the labyrynthine branch, all other branches supply the brain stem and cerebellum
The posterior cerebral has only a small contribution, its main target being the posterior cerebral hemispheres

Branches of the Basilar Artery

1. Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Arteries  (AICA), originates near the lower border of the Pons just past the union of the vertebral arteries.
 a. supplies anterior inferior surface and underlying white matter of cerebellum
 b. contributes to supply of central cerebellar nuclei
 c. also contributes to upper medulla and lower pontine areas

2. Pontine arteries, numerous smaller branches that can be subdivided into Paramedian and Circumferential pontine arteries. The Circumferential can be  further subdivided into Long and Short  pontine arteries.
 a. paramedian pontine - basal pons
 b. circumferential pontine - lateral pons and middle cerebellar peduncle, floor of fourth ventricle and pontine tegmentum

3. Superior Cerebellar arteries, originates near the end of the Basilar artery,  close to the Pons-Midbrain junction. Runs along dorsal surface of cerebellum
 a. cerebellar cortex, white matter and central nuclei
 b. Additional contribution to rostral pontine tegmentum, superior cerebellar peduncle and inferior colliculus

4. Posterior cerebral arteries, the terminal branches of the Basilar artery. They appear as a bifurcation of the Basilar,  just past the Superior Cerebellar arteries and the oculomotor nerve.  Curves around the midbrain and reaches the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere beneath the splenium of the corpus callosum
a. mainly neocortex and diencephalon
b. some contribution to interpeduncular plexus

5. Labyrynthine arteries, may branch from the basilar, but variable in its  origin. Supplies the region of the inner ear

Blood Supply to the Medulla 
The Medulla is supplied by the;
1. Anterior spinal artery, sends blood to the paramedian region of the caudal medulla.
2. Posterior spinal artery, supplies rostral areas, including the gracile and cuneate fasiculi and nuclei, along with dorsal areas of the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
3. Vertebral artery, bulbar branches supply areas of both the caudal and rostral medulla.
4. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery, supplies lateral medullary areas.
Occlusion of branches of the anterior spinal artery will produce
a inferior alternating hemiplegia (aka medial medullary syndrome), characterized by;
1. A contralateral hemiplegia of the limbs, due to damage to the pyramids or the corticospinal fibers
2. A contralateral loss of position sense, vibratory sense and discriminative touch, due to damage to the medial leminiscus
3. An ipsilateral deviation and paralysis of the tongue, due to damage to the hypoglossal nucleus or nerve
Occasionally, these symptoms will develop after occlusion of the vertebral artery before gives off its branches to the anterior spinal  artery

The posterior spinal arteries supply the  gracile and cuneate fasiculi and nuclei,  spinal trigeminal tract and nucleus,  portions of the inferior cerebellar peduncle

The vertebral arteries supply  the pyramids at the level of the Pons,  the inferior olive complex,  the medullary reticular formation,  solitary motor nucleus  dorsal motor nucleus of the Vagus  (cranial nerve X),  hypoglossal nucleus  (cranial nerve XII).  spinal trigeminal tract, spinothalamic tract  spinocerebellar tract
The posterior inferior cerebellar arteries (PICA) supply  spinothalamic tract,  spinal trigeminal nucleus and tract, fibers from the nucleus ambiguous,  dorsal motor nucleus of the Vagus (cranial nerve X)  inferior cerebellar peduncle
Occlusion of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (or contributing vertebral) will produce a lateral medullary syndrome or Wallenberg’s syndrome, characterized by;
1. A contralateral loss of pain and temperature sense, due to damage to the anterolateral system (spinothalamic tract)
2. An ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature sense on the face, due to damage to the spinal trigeminal nucleus and tract
3. Vertigo, nausea and vomiting, due to damage to the vestibular nuclei
4. Hornor’s syndrome, (miosis [contraction of the pupil],  ptosis [sinking of the eyelid], decreased sweating), due to  damage to the descending hypothalamolspinal tract

Blood Supply to the Pons
The Pons is supplied by the;
1. The Basilar artery, contributions of this main artery can be further
                a. paramedian branches, to medial pontine region
                b. short circumferential branches, supply anterolateral pons
                c. long circumferential branches, run laterally over the anterior  surface of the Pons to anastomose with branches of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA).
2. Some reinforcing contributions by the anterior inferior cerebellar and superior cerebellar arteries
Additional branches of the Basilar artery can be found branching off within the  region of the Pons;
1. Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Arteries (AICA), originates near the lower border of the Pons just past the union of the vertebral arteries.
 a. supplies anterior inferior surface and underlying white matter of cerebellum
 b. contributes to supply of central cerebellar nuclei
 c. also contributes to upper medulla and lower pontine areas
2. Superior Cerebellar arteries, originates near the end of the Basilar artery, close to the  Pons-Midbrain junction. Runs along dorsal surface of cerebellum
 a. cerebellar cortex, white matter and central nuclei
 b. Additional contribution to rostral pontine tegmentum, superior cerebellar peduncle and inferior colliculus
2. Labyrynthine arteries, may branch from the basilar, but variable in its origin. Supplies the region of the inner ear.
Divides into two branches;
  a. anterior vestibular
  b. common cochlear
The labyrinthine has a variable origin, according to a study done by Wende et. al., 1975, (sample size of 238) the artery originated from;
1. Basilar (16%)
2. AICA (45%)
3. Superior cerebellar (25%)
4. PICA (5%)
5. Remaining 9% were of duplicate origin

The paramedian branches of the Basilar artery supplies the paramedian regions of the Pons, this includes corticospinal fibers (basis pedunculi),  the medial leminiscus, abducens nerve and nucleus (cranial nerve VI) ,  pontine reticular area, and periaquaductal gray areas
The paramedian branches of the Basilar artery supply  corticospinal fibers,  the medial leminiscus, abducens nerve and nucleus (cranial nerve VI) ,  pontine reticular area, periaquaductal gray areas
Obstruction of the paramedian pontine arteries will produce a  middle alternating hemiplegia  (also termed medial pontine syndrome)  which is characterized by;
1. Hemiplegia of the contralateral arm and leg, due to damage to the corticospinal tracts
2. Contralateral loss of tactile discrimination, vibratory and position sense, due to damage to the medial leminiscus
3. Ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle paralysis, due to damage to the  abducens nerve or tract (can cause diplopia “double vision”)

The short circumferential branches supply, pontine nuclei,  pontocerebellar fibers,  medial leminiscus  the anterolateral system (spinothalamic fibers)
The long circumferential branches supply, along with the anterior inferior cerebellar (caudally),  and superior cerebellar artery (rostrally). middle and superior cerebellar peduncles,  vestibular and cochlear nerves and nuclei,  facial motor nucleus (cranial nerve VII) trigeminal nucleus (cranial nerve V)  spinal trigeminal nucleus and tract (cranial nerve V),  hypothalamospinal fibers,  the anterolateral system (spinothalamic) pontine reticular nuclei.
Occlusions of long branches circumferential branches of the basilar artery produce a lateral pontine syndrome, characterized by;
1. Ataxia, due to damage to the cerebral peduncles (middle and superior)
2. Vertigo, nausea, nystagmus, deafness, tinitus, vomiting, due to damage to vestibular and cochlear nuclei and nerves
3. Ipsilateral pain and temperature deficits from face, due to damage to the spinal trigeminal nucleus and tract
4. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sense from the body, due to damage to the anterolateral system (spinothalamic)
5. Ipsilateral paralysis of facial muscles and masticatory muscles, due to damage to the facial and trigeminal motor nuclei (cranial nerves VII and V)

Blood Supply to the Midbrain
The major blood supply to the midbrain is derived from branches of the basilar artery;
1. Posterior cerebral artery, forms a plexus with the posterior communicating arteries in the interpeduncular fossa, branches from this plexus supply a wide area if the midbrain
2. Superior cerebellar artery, supplies dorsal areas around the central gray and inferior colliculus with support from branches of the posterior cerebral artery.
3. Quadrigeminal, (some posterior choroidal) a branch of the posterior cerebral, provides support for the tectum (superior and inferior colliculi)
4. Posterior communicating artery, derived from the internal carotid, joins the posterior cerebral to form portions of the circle of Willis  (arterial circle). Contributes to the interpeduncular plexus
5. Branches of these arteries are best understood when grouped into paramedian, short circumferential and long circumferential

The paramedian arteries, derived from the posterior communicating and posterior cerebral, form a plexus in the interpeduncular fossa, enter the  through the posterior perforated substance, this system supplies
  • raphe region,
  • oculomotor complex,
  • medial longitudinal fasiculus,
  • red nucleus
  • substantia nigra
  • crus cerebri
Occlusion of midbrain paramedian branches produces a medial midbrain or superior alternating hemiplegia (or Weber’s syndrome) characterized by;
1. Contralateral hemiplegia of the limbs, and contralateral face and tongue due to damage to the descending motor tracts
(crus cerebri).
2. Ipsilateral deficits in eye motor activity, caused by damage to the oculomotor nerve

The short circumferential arteries originate from the interpeduncular plexus and portions of the posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar arteries, this system supplies
  • crus cerebri,
  • substantia nigra
  • midbrain tegmentum
The long circumferential branches originate mainly from the posterior  cerebral artery, one important branch, the quadrigeminal (collicular artery) supplies the superior and inferior colliculi.

The posterior choroidal arteries originate near the basilar  bifurcation into the posterior  cerebral arteries. In addition to providing reinforement to the midbrain short and long circumferential arteries they move forward to supply portions of the diencephalon and the choroid plexus of the third  and lateral ventricles

Other Clinical Points
Substantial infarcts within the Pons are generally rapidly fatal, due to failure of central control of respiration Infarcts within the ventral portion of the Pons can produce paralysis of all movements except the eyes. Patient is conscious but can communicate only with eyes. LOCKED-IN-SYNDROME

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The ProTaper Technique-Shaping the Future of Endodontics

There have been significant advancements in the development of NiTi rotary instruments in recent years. This evolution is driven by market demand and the continuous improvement in the manufacturing process. Dentists have increasingly identified the features they deem essential on the endless journey towards a more perfect file. These features include flexibility, efficiency, safety, and simplicity. The ProTaper system has been designed to provide these features; consequently, its entrance into the marketplace has had a profound effect.
The ProTaper NiTi files (Dentsply Maillefer; Ballaigues, Switzerland) represent a revolutionary generation of instruments for shaping root canals. This post will review the ProTaper geometries, then describe the ProTaper concepts, techniques and finishing criteria that may be utilized to fulfill the mechanical and biological objectives for shaping canals. Learning the ProTaper concept will lead to discovery then appreciation for this six instrument set, comprised of just three Shaping and three Finishing files.

The canals of this mandibular molar were shaped with ProTaper files and three-dimensionally filled. Note the flowing shapes, apical one-third curvatures and multiple portals of exit.

Protaper geometries
The following will describe the ProTaper geometries and specific features that make these Shaping and Finishing files remarkably unique.

The Shaping Files
Shaping File # 1 and Shaping File # 2, termed S1 and S2, have purple and white identification rings on their handles, respectively. The S1 and S2 files have D0 diameters of 0.17 mm and 0.20 mm, respectively, and their D14 maximal flute diameters approach 1.20 mm (Fig. 19.3). The Auxiliary Shaping File, termed SX, has no identification ring on its gold-colored handle and, with a shorter overall length of 19 mm, provides excellent access when space is restrictive. Because SX has a much quicker rate of taper between D1 and D9 as compared to the other ProTaper Shaping files, it is primarily used, after S1 and S2, to optimally shape canals in coronally broken down or anatomically shorter teeth. The SX file has a D0 diameter of 0.19 mm and a D14 diameter approaching 1.20 mm.

Progressively Tapered Design
A unique feature of the ProTaper Shaping files is each instrument has multiple “increasing” percentage tapers over the length of its cutting blades. This progressively tapered design serves to significantly improve flexibility, cutting efficiency, and safety.Fortuitously, a progressively tapered design typically reduces the number of recapitulations needed to achieve length, especially in small diameter or more curved canals. As an example, the SX file exhibits nine increasingly larger tapers ranging from .035 to .19 between D1 and D9, and a fixed .02 taper between D10 and D14. The S1 file exhibits twelve increasingly larger tapers ranging from .02 to .11 between D1 and D14.
The S2 file exhibits nine increasingly larger tapers ranging from .04 to .115 between D1 and D14. This design feature allows each shaping file to perform its own “crown down” work. One of the benefits of a progressively tapered shaping file is that each instrument engages a smaller zone of dentin which reduces torsional loads, file fatigue and the potential for breakage.

The Finishing Files
Three Finishing files named F1, F2 and F3 have yellow, red and blue identification rings on their handles corresponding to D0 diameters of 0.20 mm, 0.25 mm, and 0.30 mm, respectively. Additionally, F1, F2, and F3 have fixed tapers between D1 and D3 of .07, 08, and .09, respectively.

The ProTaper technique

Canal preparation is improved when instruments pass through the access opening, effortlessly slide down smooth axial walls and are easily inserted into the orifice. The potential to consistently shape canals and clean root canal systems is significantly enhanced when the coronal two-thirds of the canal is first pre-enlarged followed by preparing its apical one-third.

Scout the coronal two-thirds
When straight-line access is completed, the pulp chamber should be filled with a viscous chelator and/ or irrigant. Based on pre-operative radiographs, ISO 0.02 tapered sizes #10 and #15 K-files are measured and precurved to match the anticipated full length and curvature of the root canal. However, in this method of canal preparation, these instruments are initially limited to the coronal two-thirds of a root canal. The #10 and #15 K-files are utilized within any portion of the canal until they are loose and a smooth reproducible ‘glide path’ is confirmed. The loose depth of the #15 K-file is measured and this length transferred to the ProTaper S1 and S2 instruments.

Shape the coronal two-thirds
Once a reproducible glide path is verified this portion of the canal should be pre-enlarged by first utilizing S1 then S2. Prior to initiating shaping procedures, the pulp chamber is filled with a 5.25% solution of NaOCl. Without pressure, and in one or more passes, the ProTaper Shaping instruments are allowed to passively ‘float’ into the canal and ‘follow’ the glide path. To optimize safety and efficiency, the Shaping instruments are used, like a ‘brush’, to laterally and selectively cut dentine on the outstroke. A brush-cutting action creates lateral space, which will facilitate the larger, stronger and more active cutting blades on the Shaping instruments to safely and progressively move deeper into the canal. If any ProTaper instrument ceases to advance within the verified portion of a canal, withdraw it, and recognize that intrablade debris has deactivated and pushed the instrument off the wall of the canal.

Upon removing each Shaping instrument, visualize where the debris is located along its cutting blades to better appreciate the region within the canal that is being prepared. Following the use of each Shaping instrument, irrigate, recapitulate with a #10 file to break up debris and move it into solution, then reirrigate.
Without pressure, and in one or more passes, S1, then S2, is used in this manner until the depth of the #15 K-file is reached.

Scout the apical one-third
When the coronal two-thirds of the canal is shaped, then attention can focus on apical one-third procedures. With the pulp chamber filled with a viscous chelator or irrigant, the apical one-third of the canal is fully negotiated and enlarged to at least a size #15 Kfile, working length confirmed and patency established. At this time, a decision must be made between whether to finish the apical one-third with rotary or hand instruments. If a new and straight #15 file can gently ‘slide’ and passively ‘glide’ to length, then rotary instruments will generally follow this confirmed and reproducible glide path. However, certain canals exhibit anatomical challenges that necessitate a reciprocating handle motion in order to move pre-curved #10 and #15 files to length. When there is an irregular glide path then the apical one-third of a canal may be finished with pre-curved 
ProTaper hand instruments.

Shape the apical one-third
When the apical one-third of the canal has been scouted and a glide path created, then the pulp chamber is filled with NaOCl. The ProTaper sequence is to carry the S1, then the S2, to the full working length. Float, follow and brush as previously described until the terminus of the canal is reached. S1, then S2, will typically move to length in one or more passes depending on the length, diameter and curvature of the canal. Following each ProTaper instrument, irrigate, recapitulate with a #10 file, then re-irrigate. After using the Shaping instruments, particularly in more curved canals, working length should be reconfirmed, as a more direct path to the terminus has been established. At this stage of treatment, the preparation can be finished using one or more of the ProTaper Finishing instruments in a ‘nonbrushing’ manner. The F1 is selected and passively allowed to move deeper into the canal, in one or more passes, until the terminus is reached. When the F1 achieves length, the instrument is removed, its apical flutes are inspected and if they are loaded with dentine, then visual evidence supports the shape is cut. Following the use of F1, flood the canal with irrigant, recapitulate and confirm patency, then re-irrigate to liberate debris from the canal.

ProTaper finishing criteria
Following the use of the 20/07 F1, the ‘ProTaper Finishing Criteria’ is to gauge the size of the foramen with a 20/02 tapered K-file to determine if this instrument is snug or loose at length. If the #20 Kfile is snug at length then the canal is fully shaped and, if irrigation protocols have been followed, ready to fill.

Following the use of F1, if the #20 K-file is loose at length, then gauge the size of the foramen with a 25/ 02 tapered K-file. If the #25 file is snug at length, then the canal is fully shaped and ready to fill. If the #25 file is short of length, proceed to the 25/08 F2 and, when necessary, the 30/09 F3, gauging after each Finisher with appropriately sized hand files. If the #30 file is loose at length, then use an alternative NiTi rotary line or manual files to finish the apical extent of these larger, easier and more straightforward canals. ProTaper shapes are easy to fill utilizing a ProTaper matching gutta percha master cone in conjunction with a warm vertical condensation technique.

Video of Protaper Demonstration on a Block

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Jacket Crown,Dental Ceramic and Porcelain

Jacket crown
It is a type of crown that is formed by a tooth colored material. It is mainly used as a single unit in the anterior quadrant of the mouth. It is the weakest  type  of  crown  because  the  tooth  colored  materials  are  weaker and more brittle than metal. It can be divided into 2 types according to the material from which it is formed:
1.  Porcelain jacket crown
2.  Acrylic jacket crown 

It isn't a conservative type of crown because a butt shoulder finishing line  is  done  all  around  and  excessive  tooth  structure  is  removed  to provide enough space for the acrylic or porcelain material in order to get a  proper  shape  of  the  crown,  to  increase  the  rigidity  of  material  and  to resist the fracture by increasing the thickness of the material.
The acrylic jacket crown may be used as a temporary crown or for crowning  a  tooth  of  a  patient  under  18  years  of  age,  until  full  eruption finishes  to  the  tooth,  and  then  a  final  crown  (full  veneer  crown  or porcelain jacket crown) All  ceramic  crowns  are  some  of  the  most  esthetically  pleasing prosthodontic  restorations  .  Because  there  is  no  metal  to  block  light transmission  ,  they  can  resemble  better  in  terms  of  color  ,  translucency than any other restorative option can natural tooth structure. There chief disadvantage is their susceptibility to fracture , although this is lessened by use of A resin    bonded technique.

Advantage :
1- Superior esthetic
2- Excellent translucency (similar to that of natural tooth structure)
3- Good tissue response
4- Lack of reinforcement by a metal sub structure permit slightly more conservative reduction of facial surface

Disadvantages :
1- Reduced strength of the restoration because of the absence of reinforcing metal substructure.
2- Significant tooth reduction is necessary on the proximal and lingual aspects due to the need for a shoulder-type margin circum ferentially. (less conservation).
3- Porcelain brittleness
4- Difficulties may be associated with obtaining a well-fitting margin, which can result in fracture because of the nature of Porcelain.
5- Proper preparation design is critical to ensuring mechanical success (90 degree  Cavo surface angle) thus a severely damaged tooth should not be restored with ceramic crown.
6- All ceramic restoration do not tend themselves well to use as retainers for a fixed partial denture.
7- Wear has been observed on the functional surface of natural teeth that oppose Porcelain restoration.

1- A high esthetic requirement exists
2- Proximal or facial caries that cannot longer be effectively restored with composite resin
3- Because of the relative weakness of the restoration, the occlusal load should be favorably distributed. Generally, this means that the centric contact must be in an area where the Porcelain is supported by tooth structure (i.e in a middle third of a lingual wall)

Contra indications :
1- When a more conservation restorative can be used.
2- Rarely are they recommended for molar teeth. (Increased occlusal load and the reduced esthetic demand).
3-It is not possible to provide adequate support or an even shoulder width of at least 1 mm circumferentially

Procedure of preparation
On The preparation of the tooth for a jacket crown resembles that of the preparatifor full veneer except that the jacket crown needs:
1.  A  uniform  1  mm  reduction  is  done  all  around  the  crown  (labial lingual and proximal surfaces).
2.  A butt (90) shoulder finishing line is done all around the tooth. 

Dental  Ceramic and Porcelain
The word ceramic is derived from the Greek word Keramos which means "burnt stuff" meaning a material produced by burning or firing. It consists mainly of kaolin which blends with other minerals such as silica, and feldspar to produce the translucency and extra strength required for dental restoration. A material containing these additional important ingredients was given the name porcelain.

Composition of traditional dental porcelain
The composition of the various types of porcelain is summarized in the table below. There are considerable differences in the composition between the dental porcelains and decorative porcelain ex. dental porcelain contains little or no clay.
Kaolin is a hydrated aluminosilicate. The decorative porcelain is a mixture of this material with silica, bound together by a binder (flux) such as feldspar (a mixture of potassium and sodium aluminosilicates). Feldspar is the lowest fusing component which melts and flows during firing uniting the other components in a solid mass. The fusion temperature of feldspar may be further reduced by adding to it other low- fusing fluxes such as borax.
Dental porcelain is mainly divided (according to fusing temperature) to high fusing porcelain which fuses in the range of 1300-1400 C, and low-fusing porcelain which fuses in the range of 850-1100 C.

Properties of porcelain
Esthetics.  Porcelain  is  an  almost  perfect  material  for  the  replacement  of missing tooth substance. It is available in a range of shades and at various levels  of  translucency  giving  an  almost  natural  appearance.  The  inner layer  of  the  porcelain  crown  is  constructed  from  a  fairly  opaque  core material. This is covered with a more translucent dentine material with a final coating of translucent enamel porcelain forming the outermost layer.

Rigidity   and   Brittleness.   Porcelain   is   a   very   rigid,   hard,   and   brittle material    whose    strength    is    reduced    by    the    presence    of    surface irregularities or internal voids and porosity

Thermal conductivity. Porcelain is an excellent thermal insulator. This is very important when a gross amount of tooth structure is prepared and the layer  of  dentin  may  be  of  minimum  thickness  to  act  as  an insulator.

Resistance to chemicals. Porcelain is very resistant to any chemical and it
is unaffected by any variation in the pH in the oral cavity.

Biocompatibility. The outer layer of porcelain in coated by an oxide layer
(glazed porcelain) which is very smooth therefore it does not allow food adhesion on it more than the normal tooth structure. cervically therefore decreasing the translucency

Types of Porcelain
1- Opaque  porcelain:  It  is  applied  as  a  first  ceramic  coat  and  performs  two major functions:
  • It masks the colour of the alloy (in metal fused to porcelain crown).
  • It is responsible for the metal    ceramic bond.
2-Body  porcelain:  This  porcelain  is  placed  and  fired  on  the  opaque  layer.  It provides some translucency and contains oxides that aid in shade matching.
3-Incisal  porcelain:  This  type  of  porcelain  is  more  translucent  than  the  above types of porcelain. It is placed mostly in the incisal third to give the crown a translucent incisal third and the thickness of this porcelain decreases as we go cervically therefore decreasing the translucency

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