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Muscles of Head and Neck |
Medicine is the science and art of healing. Dentistry is the branch of medicine which deals with Oral and Maxillofacial region of the body. Purpose of this blog is to share the knowledge Which regards to Medicine and Dentistry. Here We share Lecture Notes in Dentistry (Dental Lecture Notes)and Medical/Medicine Lecture Notes for Dental and Medical Students, Doctors and Post graduates.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Monday, August 31, 2015
Dental Fluorosis
Dental fluorosis is a developmental disturbance of dental enamel caused by the consumption of excess fluoride during tooth development. It's caused by overexposure to fluoride during the first eight years of life more commonly, the time when most permanent teeth are being formed.
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Dental Fluorosis |
Common sources of fluoride includes, toothpaste (if swallowed by young children), drinking water in fluoridated communities, beverages and food processed with fluoridated water, dietary prescription supplements that include fluoride (e.g., tablets or drops) and other professional dental products (e.g., mouth rinses, gels, and foams). Increases in the occurrence of mostly mild dental fluorosis were recognized as more sources of fluoride became available to prevent tooth decay. These sources include drinking water with fluoride, fluoride toothpastes (if swallowed by young children) and dietary prescription supplements in tablets or drops. Moderate-level chronic exposure (above 1.5 mg/litre of water - the WHO guideline value for fluoride in water) to drinking water is typically the most significant source.
Dental fluorosis can occur among persons in all communities at different severities, even in those with a low natural concentration of fluoride in the drinking water. However fluoride in water is mostly of geological origin. Waters with high levels of fluoride content are mostly found at the foot of high mountains and in areas where the sea has made geological deposits. Known fluoride belts on land include: one that stretches from Syria through Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Sudan and Kenya, and another that stretches from Turkey through Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, India, northern Thailand and China. There are similar belts in the Americas and Japan. In these areas fluorosis has been reported. Various studies from all over the world on the disease burden of different populations reveals different figures. But As of 2005 surveys conducted by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research in the USA between 1986 and 1987 and by the Center of Disease Control between 1999 and 2002 are the only national sources of data concerning the prevalence of dental fluorosis.
Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2004 and the 1986-1987 National Survey of Oral Health in U.S. School Children reveals that there were less than one-quarter of persons aged 6-49 in the United States had some form of dental fluorosis. The prevalence of dental fluorosis was higher in adolescents than in adults and highest among those aged 12-15. Adolescents aged 12-15 in 1999-2004 had a higher prevalence of dental fluorosis than adolescents aged 12-15 in 1986-1987. Another survey conducted in Indian subcontinent shows that fluorosis is an endemic disease prevalent in 20 states out of the 35 states and Union Territories of the Indian Republic.
and symptoms
of fluorosis range from tiny white specks or streaks that may be unnoticeable
to dark brown stains and rough, pitted enamel that is difficult to clean. The
severity of the condition depends on the dose (how much), duration (how long),
and timing (when consumed) of fluoride intake. Since the 1930s, dentists have rated
the severity of fluorosis using the following categories:
- Questionable -The enamel shows slight changes ranging from a few white flecks to occasional white spots.
- Very mild -Small opaque paper-white areas are scattered over less than 25% of the tooth surface.
- Mild - White opaque areas on the surface are more extensive but still affect less than 50% of the surface.
- Moderate -White opaque areas affect more than 50% of the enamel surface.
- Severe -All enamel surfaces are affected. The teeth also have pitting that may be discrete or may run together.
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Classification of Dental Fluorosis |
Depending upon severity of the disease, treatment option varies. Micro/Macro abrasion, Bleaching, Composite restorations, Veneers, Full crowns are the main options available. These are described in detail in another article.
Disease prevention
Removal of excessive fluoride from drinking-water is difficult and expensive. The preferred option is to find a supply of safe drinking-water with safe fluoride levels. If you rely on well water or bottled water, your public health department or a local laboratory can analyze its fluoride content. Where access to safe water is already limited, de-fluoridation may be the only solution. Methods include: use of bone charcoal, contact precipitation, use of Nalgonda or activated alumina (Nalgonda is called after the town in South India, near Hyderabad, where the aluminium sulfate-based defluoridation was first set up at a water works level).
Health education regarding appropriate use of fluorides and parental vigilance is a key measure to prevent fluorosis. Keeping all fluoride-containing products such as toothpaste, mouth rinses, and supplements out of the reach of young children and monitoring your child’s use of fluoridated toothpaste are key facts. Only place a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on your child’s toothbrush. Also teach your child to spit out the toothpaste after brushing instead of swallowing it. To encourage spitting, avoid toothpastes containing flavors that children may be likely to swallow. Adult supervision of tooth brushing by children younger than 6 years of age and changes in recommendations for administration of fluoride supplements so that such supplements are not given to infants and more stringent criteria are applied for administration to children.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Teething in Infants
Teething is the phenomena accompanying growth of teeth through the gums.
The effect of teething on infant health has been debated
for at least 5000 years, and traditional beliefs on the issue have still not
been entirely superseded by scientific findings. Sumerians believed teething
and worm infestation were associated. Hindu writings, as well as work by
Aristotle, Homer, Celsus, and others, describe associations between teething
and illness. Many of these authors implicated tooth emergence in childhood
mortality. The belief that teething led to childhood mortality, seizures,
diarrhea, fever, or other serious conditions was criticized as early as the
17th century by Francois Ranchin. Yet in 1839, 5016 deaths in England and Wales
were attributed to teething. Illingworth wrote in 1975 that “teething produces
nothing but teeth.” However, as recently as 1979, parents and physicians were
identifying teething as a cause of presenting symptoms in children admitted to
the hospital. A medical evaluation of 50 of these children showed that in 48
cases the symptoms, ranging from upper respiratory infection to bacterial
meningitis. Most medical professionals now agree that teething does not cause
life-threatening illness, but they disagree about which symptoms may be
associated with tooth eruption.
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Teething in Infants |
However several studies with different study designs has revealed symptoms
believed to be associated with teething such as loss of appetite for solids and liquids, drooling,
biting or chewing various objects, congestion
or runny nose, cough, sleep disturbances, restlessness and
irritability, rash, spitting up or vomiting, and diarrhea and fever or mild
temperature elevation. Anyhow It is important to inform parents that none of these
symptoms consistently and accurately predict when teething is about to occur
and any of other organic disorders should be ruled out in infants with these
The recommended intervention for teething is
the use of cold items because the cold acts as an anesthetic for the gums.
Refrigerated pacifiers, Spoons, Clean wet washcloths, Frozen bagels or bananas,
refrigerated teething rings can be offered to the infants at this stage.Topical
teething gels sold over-the-counter (OTC) are often used for teething but may carry
serious risks, including local reactions, seizures with overdose, and methemoglobinemia. Benzocaine containing teething gels should not be used in
infants or children under 2 years of age. If necessary, parents should be instructed
on proper dosing of analgesic medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Problem based learning (PBL)
“True learning is based on
discovery guided by mentoring rather than the transmission of knowledge.”
John Dewey
and History
In simple terms Problem-based
learning (PBL) is a student centred education in which students learn about a subject
through the experience of creating a problem. Problem- based learning or what
we simply called PBL is based on research in the
cognitive sciences on how we learn.
This educational strategy was developed at
the McMaster University
Medical School in Canada in the 1960s in medical education.
Efficacy of this revolutionary learning method has made it popular among
educationists and It is one of the big success stories in the education in the
past few years. But nowadays PBL is developed and implemented in a wide range of
domains around the world. This approach empowers
learners to conduct research, integrate theory and practice, and apply
knowledge and skills to develop a viable solution to a defined problem .In
simple words this simple revolutionary idea that
problems should come before answers drives PBL.
Beginning with a problem puts you in the driver’s seat. You can use your previous knowledge, your
hunches, and your wildest ideas to try for a solution. In the process you can develop an inventory
of what you know and what you need to know to get to a solution. Once you know that you can start questioning
your instructor or your classmates, plundering the library, surfing the net, or
bugging the many excellent experts to fill your needs.
What is the difference between
Subject based learning and Problem Based learning
What is wrong
with the old teacher stand up and talk student sit and listen learning? It doesn’t meet the
needs. It is too slow, too shallow, too
inefficient and not much fun. Students
retain little of what they learn after even a few weeks. Students rarely can apply what they have
learned to the unpredictable problems of life and work. Students get little
practice in developing their thinking skills and intellectuality or framing
problems that interest them. As a result, students come to see learning as
something grim to be avoided.
Problem based
learning gives you opportunities to examine and try out what you already know;
discover what you need to learn; develop your people skills for achieving
higher performance in teams; improve your writing and speaking abilities, to
state and defend with sound arguments and evidence your own ideas; and to
become more flexible in your approach to problems that surprise and dismay
others. Despite the work and effort it requires, PBL is never dull and is often
Here is a
diagram of the basic difference between subject based and problem based learning.
What is expected in Problem
Based Learning?
According to the epistemological
literature four types of knowledge can be identified.
- 1 Explanatory knowledge-Theories
- 2. Descriptive Knowledge-Facts
- 3. Procedural Knowledge-Knowledge of how to do things
- 4. Subjective Knowledge- Personal convictions or attitudes of the learner
The PBL problems are in two varieties with regards to acquisition of above mentioned aspects of knowledge.
- 1. During the course of their study, students acquire different kinds of, or categories of knowledge about relevant aspects of their domain of study.
- 2. The problem types to be distinguished are meant to guide the learners towards these different knowledge categories.
In a problem based curricula
four different kinds of problems have been identified.
- · Explanation problems
- · Fact-finding problems
- · Strategy problems
- · Moral dilemma resolution problems
Respectively they are effective
in achieving explanatory knowledge, descriptive knowledge, procedural knowledge
and subjective knowledge. Teacher, Mentor, or Guiding body has the freedom of
designing the problems to drive learners to achieve the desired aspect of
knowledge. Ideally it should be the combinations of all.
Characteristics of PBL
According to Barrows in 1996
there are six
core characteristics of PBL are distinguished.
- A The first characteristic is that learning needs to be student-centred.
- B Second, learning has to occur in small student groups under the guidance of a tutor.
- C The third characteristic refers to the tutor as a facilitator or guide.
- D Fourth, authentic problems are primarily encountered in the learning sequence, before any preparation or study has occurred.
- E Fifth, the problems encountered are used as a tool to achieve the required knowledge and the problem-solving skills necessary to eventually solve the problem.
- F Finally, new information needs to be acquired through self-directed learning.
It is generally recognized that
a seventh characteristic should be added: Essential for PBL is that students
learn by analysing and solving representative problems. However authors also describes following
features as essential components in PBL as well.
Students must have the
responsibility for their own learning. The tutor is only a facilitator in this
learning process.
The problem simulations used in
problem-based learning must be ill-structured and allow for free inquiry. The real world problems are
ill-structured and PBL should allow the trainers to develop their skill to
identify the problem and develop realistic solutions.
Learning should be integrated
from a wide range of disciplines or subjects. During PBL students should be
able to access, study and integrate information from all the disciplines and
reach to a more robust solution. The development of information systems and multidisciplinary
approach in the present world support this task more than ever before.
Collaboration is essential. PBL
provides the platform to share information and work productively with fellow
What students learn during their
self-directed learning must be applied back to the problem with reanalysis and
A closing analysis of what has
been learned from work with the problem and a discussion of what concepts and
principles have been learned are essential.
Self and peer assessment should
be carried out at the completion of each problem and at the end of every
curricular unit.
The activities carried out in
problem-based learning must be those valued in the real world.
Student examinations must
measure student progress towards the goals of problem-based learning.
learning must be the pedagogical base in the curriculum and not part of a
didactic curriculum.”
Rules in problem design
- · Problem should consist of a title
- · Well-formed problem consist of a concrete body text
- · Each problem needs and instruction as to what to do with it
- · A problem should be connected to the prior knowledge base students have
- · A problem should raise students curiocity
- · A problem should only introduce a limited number of issues for learning
- · A problem should not take too much self-directed study time to acquire a fair understanding of the issues at hand
Advantages and Disadvantages of PBL
As in any
educational theory there are advantages and limitations found in literature
when creating or implementing problem based learning curriculum. Some of the
advantages which were perceived by several authors are as follow.
- · Students interest and benefit
- · Minimizing faculty workload
- · Long-term knowledge retention
- · PBL provide a more challenging
- · Motivating and enjoyable approach to education
- · Students become actively engaged in meaningful learning rather than traditional memorization
- · Increased responsibility for their learning and self-direction
Higher levels of comprehension and skill development occur than in traditional instruction and develop interpersonal collaboration and team work.
Following disadvantages has been encountered in PBL according to literature.
Difficulty in allocating time required in a course schedule
Students often express difficulties with self-directed learning whereas the teachers may have difficulties to break their traditional teaching habits.
Also selecting the appropriate question will be critical and challenging too.
However the traditional student assessment systems should be changed in assessing a student who was trained on PBL.
PBL has becoming
a revolutionary method of leaning in the context of student centred learning.
At the heart of PBL stands a problem. PBL process can be designed in the way
the students achieve the different aspects of knowledge. As in any learning
method PBL also has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Work place based assessments
What is Work place based assessment (WBA)?
The primary purpose of WPBA
is to provide short loop feedback between trainers and their trainees – a
formative assessment to support learning. They are designed to be mainly
trainee driven but may be triggered or guided by the trainer.
What is the Purpose of WBA?
purposes of WBA has been identified. WBA helps to form a comprehensive
assessment system, blueprinted to important curriculum requirements. It
also provides educational
feedback on which to reflect and develop practice. Another purpose of
WBA is it provides a reference
point on which to compare past, current and future levels of competence. WBA
also supports remedial / targeted training and Provides evidence of progression. At the
end of WBA it informs
summative assessment
Benefits of WBA
Main benefit of WBA is it has a strong educational impact.
Availability of clinical materials and skilled teachers are other benefits of
WBA. Some other benefits of WBA are,
• WBA is Based on observable
performance and specific criteria
• Encompasses skills, knowledge,
behaviour and attitudes including judgement and leadership
• Provides descriptors to aid the
assessor’s judgement
• Samples across important workplace
• Encourages trainee/trainer dialogue
• Can identify those in need of
additional support
• Encourages reflection to improve
• Provides a personal trajectory of
• Indicates readiness for summative
Position of work place based assessment in Miller’s Pyramid
Preparation for WBA
First most important fact in WBA is Patient consent and safety must be
assured by the assessor. Also the assessors should be trained in the tool and have expertise in the area
being assessed. Reliability of assessing can be improved by using on a range of different assessors.
It Should be used in different
settings with different cases.
Use of WBA
• Trainee led and trainer guided
• Structured forms should inform
• Feedback immediately after
• Written feedback should describe
• WBA should be followed by reflection
by the trainee
• Use more often for trainees who need
remedial support
• Judge the trainee against the
standard at the end point
• The interaction between trainee and
trainer is key
Trainee role
• Triggers WBA, in line with the LA
• Puts the safety of the patient first
• Agrees case and time with assessor
in advance
• Ensures sufficient WBAs are
completed throughout placement
• Uploads to the portfolio comments
accurately within 2 weeks of assessment
• Respects confidentiality of patients
and colleagues
• Reflects on feedback
• Follows up action plans
Assessor role
• Must be appropriately qualified in
the relevant discipline
• Must be trained on the WBA method
• Ensures consent and safety of
• Carries out observation and provides
• Completes / checks online form and
signs to validate
• Keeps the AES informed of issues or
Criteria for feedback
should be a written record describing performance to look back on.
quality feedback should:
• Reinforce what was done well
• Explain areas for development
• Suggest appropriate corrective
Barriers to WBA
• Unintentionally seen as threatening
(e.g. as mini-exams)
• Low ratings are seen as failures by
trainees (and some trainers)
• Lack of trainer time, especially
senior trainers
to overcome barriers
• Provide faculty development and trainee induction
• Promote WBA as opportunities for
• Written feedback puts ratings in
• Low scores should be seen as the
norm early on
• Provide time in job plans for those
in key roles to use WBAs and discuss concerns
Utility of assessment
Refers to
the relative value of using a type of assessment.
criteria are:
• Reliability
• Validity
• Acceptability to users
• Feasibility of use
• Educational impact
It is unlikely
that one assessment type will cover all these areas
challenge is to improve the utility of all types of assessment to enhance the
overall assessment system.
• Assessor training
• Use of a range of assessors
• Use of all WBA methods
• Use of WBA frequently
• Triangulation with other assessments
• Blueprinting to curriculum and GMP
• Linking WBA with clear objectives
within a structured a learning agreement
• Direct observation of workplace
• Increasing complexity of tasks in
line with progression through the training programme
• Providing assessor training and
trainee induction to enhance understanding of criteria, standards and methods
• Interaction between trainee and
• Linking WBA with clear objectives,
standards and a structured learning agreement
• Assessing what trainees would
normally do in training situations
• Working feedback into normal
Educational Impact
• Supervised training and appraisal
• Clear objectives and learning
• Learning opportunities
• Good quality feedback
• Reflection on feedback
The Learning Environment
An environment that supports learning will:
• Ensure everyone understands and
values their role and that of others in the educational process
• Provide faculty development and
trainee induction
• Make time for training and
• Encourage performance beyond
competency; an aspiration to excellence
• Encourage the development of
reflective practitioners
• Provide professional educational
• Support trainers in making difficult
decisions or negative judgements
• Support for trainees in difficulty
Types of Work place based
Mini Clinical Examination (CEX)
The CEX traditionally involved
observation of the trainee carrying out a thorough history taking and physical
examination and presenting their findings and diagnosis, and a written report
of conclusions for the supervising clinician to evaluate.
Case-based discussion (CbD) in medical Foundation Training
is a structured discussion with an assessor of clinical cases managed by the
foundation doctor. Its strength is assessment and discussion of clinical
reasoning. The foundation doctor selects two case records from patients they have
seen recently, and in whose notes they have made an entry. The assessor selects
one of these for the CbD session. The discussion starts from and is centred on
the foundation doctor’s own record in the notes. CbD assesses medical record
keeping, clinical assessment, investigation and referral, treatment rationale,
follow up and future planning, professionalism and overall clinical care.
Feedback is provided to the trainee immediately following the discussion.
Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS)
Direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS) has been
defined as the observation and evaluation of a procedural skill performed by a
trainee on a real patient. Procedural skills are also known as technical or
practical skills. Evaluation by an experienced practitioner is carried out
using either a checklist of defined tasks, a global rating scale, or a
combination of both.
Degree assessment
assessors Including senior colleagues, nurses, AHPs is done. This includes the
self assessment as well. Student would be assessed for their routine
performance. Ultimately the feedback is reviewed with trainee and supervisor on agreed action plan.
Snadden (1998) describes a portfolio as “a collection of
evidence that learning has taken place which in practice includes documentation
of learning and progression, an articulation of what has been learned, and a
reflection on these learning events/experiences.” Portfolios are used both as a
learning tool to stimulate reflective, experiential and deep learning and as an
assessment method to judge progression towards or achievement of specific
learning objectives, competencies or fitness to practice. Depending on the
specialised purpose of the portfolio, its content including evidence required,
and assessment criteria vary from context to context. Any portfolio that is
used for assessment purposes should clearly articulate the amount, type and
quality of evidence required to establish proof of competence and the marking
criteria used to evaluate the quality of the evidence.
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