Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Short Note-Oral Medicine Lecture

Multiple endocrine neoplasia A group of conditions affecting the endocrine glands. MEN IIb is of particular relevance as it consists of multiple mucosal neuromas which have a characteristic histopathology, pheochromocytoma, medullary thyroid carcinoma, and a thin wasted appearance. Calcitonin levels are elevated if medullary thyroid carcinoma is present. Index of suspicion should be high in tall, thin, wasted-looking children and young adults presenting with lumps in the mouth. Biopsy is mandatory and if histopathology is suggestive the thyroid must be adequately investigated. This is another 'worthwhile' syndrome.

Horner Syndrome Short Note-Oral Medicine Lecture Note

Horner syndrome Consists of a constricted pupil (miosis), drooping eyelid (ptosis), unilateral loss of sweating (anhydrosis) on the face, and occasionally sunken eye (enophthalmos). It is caused by interruption of sympathetic nerve fibres at the cervical ganglion secondary to, e.g., bronchogenic carcinoma, invading the ganglion or neck trauma. Scores high on the 'worthwhile' rating.

Marfan Syndrome Short Note-Oral Medicine Lecture

Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant condition characterized by tall, thin stature and arachnodactyly (long, thin, spider-like hands), dislocation of the lens, dissecting aneurysms of the thoracic aorta, aortic regurgitation, floppy mitral valve, and high arched palate. Joint laxity is also common. This condition is highly prevalent among top-class basketball and volleyball players, for obvious reasons.

Hemifacial Microsomia Short Note Oral Medicine Lecture

Hemifacial microsomia Prevalence: 1 in 5000 births. Bilateral in 20% of cases. Congenital defect characterized by lack of hard and soft tissue on affected side(s), usually in the region of the ramus and external ear (i.e. first and second branchial arches). Wide spectrum of ear and cranial deformities found.

Frey syndrome Short Note-Oral Medicine Lecture Note

Frey syndrome (Lucie Frey, a Polish physician) is a condition in which gustatory sweating and flushing of skin occur. It follows trauma to skin overlying a salivary gland and is thought to be due to post-traumatic crossover of sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation to the gland and skin, respectively. Its frequency following superficial parotidectomy ranges from 0-100% depending on which surgeon you are talking to, but is almost certainly present in all cases to some degree if looked for carefully enough (use starch-iodine test).

Gardener Syndrome Short Note-Oral Medicine Lectures

Gardener syndrome This comprises multiple osteomas (particularly of the jaws and facial bones),multiple polyps of the large intestine, epidermoid cysts, and fibromas of the skin. It shows autosomal dominant inheritance. The discovery on clinical or X-ray examination of facial osteomas mandates examination of the lower gastrointestinal tract, as these polyps have a tendency to rapid malignant change. This is a highly 'worthwhile' syndrome.

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